I could wax lyrical about how hot Anabelle looks and sounds as mud bubbles shoot air up her dress, but in the time it would take me to do so, you could be halfway through the video. The mud is thick and heavy (as God intended), so it's not long before Anabelle's filth-laden garment slides down and her boobs pop out. She then rids herself of it, and her panties, too--which is, to put it mildly, a positive development, as it affords us a fantastic view of her pussy. Often in mud videos, it's hard to see the girl's pussy--here, you can still make it out pretty good even as she gets it muddier. She rubs the hell out of it, too, squealing all the while, legs shooting out on either side of her, her smooth muddy toes rising and falling in the pool. Finally, she leans back, pushing her pretty blonde head under, her legs buckling in ecstasy as bubble after bubble erupts around her like mini mud-volcanoes. As if that weren't enough, she also turns end over end in the stuff. When she arises, she is a gaping, gasping blob-woman, looking as though Batman villain Clayface had a sexy, big-boobed girlfriend. Mpv does it again! Addendum: At the end of the video, Anabelle picks up a straw cowboy hat and plops it upon her muddy dome before leaving the scene. It's brief, but there are a couple stunning pics of it in the photoset. Just a fun cheeky moment that I quite enjoyed!
MudBathingBoi 1/5/21